1 minute read

Giving and receiving feedback is incredibly important. Here I want to share with you a simple framework that will make giving feedback a lot easier.

First things first. A guiding principle should be that you should always give feedback on things that people can change. It doesn’t make sense to give feedback on the colour of someone’s eyes because they can’t change that, but it does make sense to give feedback on something that someone did that you found commendable.

The framework I want to share is the SBI framework which stands for Situation, Behaviour, and Impact.

The framework has three simple steps:

  • Situation: Describe the situation and try to do this objectively. This step gives a time and space and makes it easier for the person receiving the feedback to contextualise it. For example… “In yesterday’s meeting with leadership”
  • Behaviour: Describe the behaviour that you saw and that you want to give feedback on. For example: “I noticed that you were standing up really straight and talking with a confident voice and demeanour”
  • Impact: Describe the impact this had on you and why. For example: “This made me really happy because I know that this is a goal that we have been working on, and it shows that you’re really improving.”

Putting it all together this is the final feedback that you could give for example:

Hey I just wanted to give some feedback. In yesterday’s meeting with leadership I noticed that you were standing up straight and talking with a confident voice and demeanour. Seeing this made me feel really great because you rocked that presentation and I know that this is a goal that we have been working on together and it really shows that you’re improving. Keep it up!

Giving and receiving feedback is hard, so let’s try to get all the help we can.

