All Problems are Timely
Recently, I impressed myself with my own memory.
I recently bought a smart scale. Why? Because I like data and I think it’s fun to collect and analyze my weight. But… I noticed something funny.
I refactored a piece of code but I’m not sure if I made it better.
Dan Harmon, creator of Rick and Morty, fielded questions from redditors in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) a while ago.
In this blog post I want to share with you how to change the font size of the code blocks in the minimal mistakes Jekyll theme when using Github Pages.
This week I had to write this monster of an SQL query and I wanted to share some tips that I found useful.
I want to share a little piece of work that I recently completed. Hope you enjoy!
In this post I want to show you how you can set up and structure your python code if you don’t know where to start. Just copy our setup!
Is your docker build step slow? Assuming you can install your code as a package, try installing your dependencies first and your code second.
In this blog post I’ll show you how to fix the AttributeError: module 'regex' has no attribute 'Match error when trying to install SQLFluff. SQLFluff is pop...
As a machine learning engineer it is part of your job to run things on large data sets.
At Snappet (we’re hiring!) we use Sagemaker Processing jobs to power most of our machine learning workflow. Sagemaker Processing jobs create our data, train...
In this stackoverflow question someone asks how to view logging messages while unit testing. It got a lot of responses but none of them worked for me.
At my current job we use conda to manage our environments and poetry to manage our packages. I have to say that the setup is pretty sweet and wanted to shar...
How often does it happen to you that you thought you understood something well, but then once you have to explain it you realise that you didn’t really under...
If you aren’t sure whether you should build a feature or not, err on the side of building it. Why? Because you can always kill it.
In this blog post I want to share with you what I like to call a product thinking framework, a way of coming up with new startup ideas.
Imagine trying to run your blog with bundle exec jekyll serve or rake build and suddenly you are hit by this incompatible library error:
This is my summary of the Startup = Growth essay by Paul Graham. Much of the sentences are lifted ad verbatim so they can’t really be considered my own words...
Update time! Things happened while you were away: I got a new job, I went on a vacation, and I got vaccinated!
I am incredibly pleased to announce that Apple accepted my submission to their app store! In other words, I finally shipped my app to the app store 🎉 woohoo!...
In this blog post I’ll show you how to persist your data across sessions in react native using redux-persist.
In this blog post I want to tell you how I significantly sped up my writing workflow by hacking together a feature that allows me to seamlessly paste images ...
In this blog post I’ll show you how to remove the excerpt from your recent posts overview in your Jekyll blog running the Minimal Mistakes theme using Github...
I love notebooks. I love those fancy expensive Moleskins and Leuchtturms with 80 grams per squared meter acid-free paper, although I have no idea whether tha...
I’ve been keeping a running list of some of the interesting things that I learned these last couple of weeks. Hopefully you steal a trick or two from me here!
I couldn’t come up with a more catchy name so this is it! In this blog post I’ll show you how to auto-scroll to a focused TextInput in a ScrollView.
Today I learned some cool “tricks” (uhmm… fundamentals…) in JavaScript.
What did I really do these last two weeks?
If you are learning React Native and Redux and still really don’t understand Redux try looking at this simple counter app that I made. This app aims to clear...
I made a small proof of concept on how to add a bottom modal to your react-native projects. I struggled quite a while on this because I didn’t really know wh...
February 1st 2021 marked my two year work anniversary and I wanted to take some time to reflect on the last two years.
According to legendary management guru Andy Grove, there can only be two reasons why you’re procrastinating. In High Output Management, he writes:
The default Python version that ships with (older) Mac OS software is hilariously old. Because I am still developing on a mid-2014 MBP Retina (SUE ME!) I was...
Use this 8-step machine learning checklist to guide you through your machine learning projects.
In this blog post I’ll show you how to change the size of your blog posts in the minimal mistakes theme.
Today I want to share with you three mistakes that I made.
I built a bike! This is going to be a short build log on how I did it. Big shoutout to my buddy Jelle an the store guy who were both instrumental in completi...
While googling “How to open my last edited file in Vim”, I found this excellent StackOverflow post.
Why is big tech (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, etc.) so damn addicting? The short answer is because they are engineered to be addicting.
In Augmenting Long-Term Memory, quantum physicist Michael Nielsen explains how he uses Anki to augment his long-term memory. Nielsen explains why you should ...
Tools are everywhere around us. Thanks to our smart (and lethal) tools (i.e. bow and arrow) we have managed to box our way up to the top of the food chain. I...
Programming, as a craft, is funny. Compared to other crafts, like professional musicians, programmers don’t seem to deliberately practice their craft.
I recently filled my first Field Notes with notes! Usually I just toss them in a drawer never to be seen again, but not this time.
In You Should Write Blogs, Steve Yegge explains why you should blog. Steve is somewhat of a cult figure in the tech space. If you’ve never heard of Steve Yeg...
I recently made a video about how to make custom complex modifications in Karabiner-elements. Someone saw this video and reached out to me for some help.
In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to add a new kernel to your Jupyter notebook in just 3 simple steps.
Writing good commit messages can save you a lot of time. In this blog post I want to show you an example of that. At some point in the past I changed the col...
You’re coding. You’re in the flow. You’re banging code out at the speed of light. You’re building the software that is going to change the world. You git add...
In this blog post I will go over how to set up your React and Flask project while avoiding the dreaded Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) error.
Hey guys I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel! You can view the video by clicking here or it is embedded down below. In the video I explain a si...
For a new project at work I will have to lead a project in TypeScript. Here comes the kicker: I’ve never worked with TypeScript.
I like my blog. Yet, I don’t love my blog.
With modern frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, Next.js, Gatsby, and Jekyll, modern web development can seem scary. However, I assure you that it is not. I...
In this blog post I will show you how to add a simple splash image to your minimal mistakes blog. View my current splash page here.
In this blog post I will show you how to add a simple teaser image to the “You may also like” section of the minimal mistakes Jekyll theme. Adding a teaser i...
In this blogpost I tackle Leetcode problem 378 on finding the first unique character in a string.
Plotting with matplotlib is really confusing. Understanding how it works under the hood helps to alleviate this pain enormously. This short blog post is here...
This blog post is an illustrated guide to regex and aims to provide a gentle introduction for people who never have fiddled with regex, want to, but are kind...
It’s well known that programmers dislike meetings… a lot. But have you ever wondered why programmers dislike meetings so much compared to other people? The ...