1 minute read

Complexity is incremental. So is quality. So sweat the small stuff.

Every change you make to a system that makes it less complex is a direct increase in quality.

For example: If we define a variable batch_size=10, we can make it more precise by renaming it to batch_size=BatchSize(10) where BatchSize is a new type wrapper over an int. This naming is more precise, which is less complex, an increase in quality.

Sweating the small stuff, all the little details and steps in the right direction, they add up to something meaningful. Every step in the right direction that makes your system less comlex increases quality in some way or another, even if the individual steps seem almost trivial. Together they add up.

What helps with sweating the small stuff is striving for perfection every time. Although perfection is an unattainable goal, it will help you to sweat the small stuff. Why? Because it contrasts the current state of your system against a perfect unattainable ideal. This gives you a direction to improve in. So rename that one variable. Refactor that small function. Write that single missing unit test.

All the little things you do, they truly do add up, they truly do matter.

Complexity is incremental. So is quality. So sweat the small stuff.

