1 minute read

If you are learning React Native and Redux and still really don’t understand Redux try looking at this simple counter app that I made. This app aims to clearly illustrate the key concepts of Redux (store, actions, reducers) in a very small toy project.

This is what it looks like:

The code can be found here.

Main idea to keep in the back of your head:

  • Instead of storing the data inside of our components we basically extract the data to an external store (our store)
  • We then communicate with this store through an “API” which is the Redux language, or in our case the react-redux library
  • The only way you can change the store is by dispatching an action to your reducer
  • Your reducer then decides how to change the state, depending on the action you gave it (ex. increment counter)

Key concepts:

  • Store: Your store is a plain JS object that is read-only. The only way to change the store is through reducers.
  • Actions: Actions are JS objects that have a type field, nothing more, nothing less.
  • Reducers: Reducers are functions that take in the state and an action and return back the new state. A reducer must be a pure function, that is, it shouldn’t have any side effects. In essence a reducer can be formulated like this (state, action) => state

This is what I learned:

  • Use useSelector to grab values from the store
  • Use useDispatch to dispatch actions to your reducer
  • A Redux app only really has one reducer, the RootReducer
  • Wrap your whole app in a single component so you can wrap that in a Provider component to give access to the store
  • When importing your Action Creators make sure to import them like this { addTodo }

