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How to take more useful paper notes

2 minute read

I love notebooks. I love those fancy expensive Moleskins and Leuchtturms with 80 grams per squared meter acid-free paper, although I have no idea whether tha...

This week in: Today I learned (TIL)

4 minute read

I’ve been keeping a running list of some of the interesting things that I learned these last couple of weeks. Hopefully you steal a trick or two from me here!

Simple React Native Redux counter example

1 minute read

If you are learning React Native and Redux and still really don’t understand Redux try looking at this simple counter app that I made. This app aims to clear...

How to add a bottom modal in React Native

less than 1 minute read

I made a small proof of concept on how to add a bottom modal to your react-native projects. I struggled quite a while on this because I didn’t really know wh...

Set Python 3 as default on Mac

1 minute read

The default Python version that ships with (older) Mac OS software is hilariously old. Because I am still developing on a mid-2014 MBP Retina (SUE ME!) I was...