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Rebind shift + cmd + m to %>% (pipe symbol)

1 minute read

I recently made a video about how to make custom complex modifications in Karabiner-elements. Someone saw this video and reached out to me for some help.

How to set up a React and Flask project

4 minute read

In this blog post I will go over how to set up your React and Flask project while avoiding the dreaded Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) error.

Video: Binary Search tutorial in Python

less than 1 minute read

Hey guys I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel! You can view the video by clicking here or it is embedded down below. In the video I explain a si...

Learning TypeScript - The basics

3 minute read

For a new project at work I will have to lead a project in TypeScript. Here comes the kicker: I’ve never worked with TypeScript.

How to add a teaser image to minimal mistakes

less than 1 minute read

In this blog post I will show you how to add a simple teaser image to the “You may also like” section of the minimal mistakes Jekyll theme. Adding a teaser i...

Plotting with Matplotlib

4 minute read

Plotting with matplotlib is really confusing. Understanding how it works under the hood helps to alleviate this pain enormously. This short blog post is here...

The Maker vs Manager Problem

5 minute read

It’s well known that programmers dislike meetings… a lot. But have you ever wondered why programmers dislike meetings so much compared to other people? The ...